Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One day!

     Stuff is always happening and things are always going on. Circumstances change people come and go, we keep waiting for life to slow down and it seems to speed up. This day feels much like the other and it's hard to remember what you had for breakfast. Kids grow up and people grow old. Heaven waits for anyone who is willing. Are you willing? Why? My story may be different than yours, but the hero in each is the same,  Jesus. As I hold my grand baby while she sleeps, I look at my blessings and feel her gently breathe. I whisper a prayer for her because she is to young to know Jesus yet, but she will someday. I hope she sees Him as her hero too, her knight in shinning armor because He will always be there for her, He will never ever let her down and He will always show up. He loved her before she was conceived and has counted every hair on her strawberry blonde head. His heart melts too when he looks in her big blue eyes. He can make her life perfect one day, but I can't. He can protect her from harm and love her the way I wish I could but cannot. But I can and will teach her about Jesus one day, one day soon. And I can teach her to pray too, and I can't wait. Life without my Jesus or my Grace isn't life at all. But praise the Lord I'm living BIG right now and one day I will live forever in His bliss with all my blessings. Grandmother bless your babies with prayer and show them real love, teach them to love Jesus. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

She lights up my world.

Who would think that the love of a child can turn your world inside out? She has said" Grammy" at least a million times today. At one point screaming felt very appropriate, then I turned to look at her and her innocence and my cold heart quickly melted and I suddenly could see her with my loving eyes. the way my Father looks at me and I realized how blessed I am. That both love me with true passion in spite of the humaneness I wear like a fad that's gone bad. I pray God will help me to remember that look on her little face, how much I love her and how much my God has blessed me.Children and God change you. You will never be the same after these two enter your heart and change the shape of your  life. Both make me a better person. Happier, kinder, gentler. more compassionate. Simply better, Amen.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Finally Fall

Fall being my favorite time of year, brings relief to my soul which at this point was holding on by the slightest thread. Summer with all its hurry leaves me weary and wanting, so as September creeps to another end, hope is made new. Thank you Lord, and I mean that with all that I am. 2012 has been a real test but also a comfort because God's word tells me while I am down and I reach out to Jesus to pull me up I am blessed. As I cling to him for not only my sanity but my life, I am comforted by His touch, as I get nearer to Him I can bask in the warmth of His light and start to reflect my Saviors brightness as I go about my crazy life. In every weakness I am made stronger by His love. He removes fear and replaces it with peace beyond all reason, and He gives me hope. In His word God makes mention of being a prisoner of hope. (that's me) I am blessed beyond reason, and this is how I want to stay while I complete my journey on this earth. Even before I met My Jesus I knew that there was a positive side to the negative things that happen to us, I just had no idea that it was total bliss.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's actually been one of those years, but I'm not complaing. I'm actually thanking my God for all that I have grown.

     Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth, not really but I stopped blogging and spending so much time on the internet so I could spend more time in the presence of my God. It wasn't long before I  noticed that writing my prayers was way more productive for me, it helps my mind focus and not wander. Since I have filled several journals and gained an abundance of blessings and self awareness, and above all knowledge and awareness of Gods love and mercies. I'm back to share. Today I started my day with a cup of good coffee, my doggy Fiona and the Lord. and maybe someone who reads this. I have been so amazingly blessed this year, not with money. Prior to popular belief money doesn't make everyone happy nor cure all that's wrong with the world. It's where your heads at that matters, or maybe your heart. We have had as many lows as we have had highs this year! Still I feel rich and at peace. God has had me on the chopping block for quite awhile, snipping. pruning and preparing me. For what? Mostly personal growth, experience, appreciation, deep appreciation. I've come out a better, stronger, more a ease person. God is good. I've been spending a few hours with the Lord in the quiet dark hours of the early morning, Excited because I know that he is waiting for me there. My heart dances in my chest as I look for words to describe how miraculous the the Lord Jesus is. Today as I read His word I have no doubts that all is right in my heart, not perfect, but just right. I am a living, breathing, walking, miracle. Today I am going to be alright, I'll make it through praising all along the way. I hope you do too. We'll talk tomorrow. Lonnie

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Since I last posted the leaves have begun their change, one by one they drop from the tall Oaks. We've packed away the ghosts and goblins and the sweet treats that we collected. During that chunk of time lives changed forever. We said our final "goodbyes" to someone we loved and by doing so we lost something dear to us. Someone we are going to miss. As the days shorten and the mornings bring a chill we begin to anticipate a new life and with her a new chapter. It amazes me that this is His will, not something spontaneous, random or by chance. This is Gods plan. He has written a great story for each of us to live humbly. Life is hard, God is not. He is good...... 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Morning brings hope

We are so blessed that each day we have the opportunity to stay the way we were or we can begin our change. And while I think that each of us should learn to love who we are, most of us including me have things about ourselves that need some tweaking. There are times when we don't know what we want, who we want to be, what we want to do. But I think sooner than later we figure out what it is we don't want, and that helps narrow down our choices somewhat. Somethings you just know and others you wonder if you will ever figure them out. When we stop hoping is when we stop living and start dying. As long as the sun rises and we keep waking up new possibilities are always our options. Hope big, love relentlessly, sleep tight.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's a new day!

Glad to say that I think today will be just a little brighter and my burden a bit lighter. Everything is exactly the same, with the exception of my attitude! How many days and opportunities do we miss because we want to carry around that chip proudly on our shoulder as if its some sort of medal we have earned. I suppose it's our prerogative, but what I'm wondering is what it causes us to miss. What slips through our fingers while we are obsessing over some hurt feelings, lack of appreciation or some simple validation? And at the end of the day how does it balance it's self out. Did we make a difference, did someone recognize the disservice they have done to you? Chances are they don't have a clue or sadly don't care. But we are the only ones who gave up something, our time we spent fretting over something that changed nothing. Our wisest course would just be to shake it off, the way a dog does after he comes out of the water. We are so blessed that we have all the tools to live happy the way our Creator intended. In this life it will never be perfect, but still worth living and loving. Choose wisely, live a blessed life, you are special, chosen for favor.