Saturday, November 6, 2010


Since I last posted the leaves have begun their change, one by one they drop from the tall Oaks. We've packed away the ghosts and goblins and the sweet treats that we collected. During that chunk of time lives changed forever. We said our final "goodbyes" to someone we loved and by doing so we lost something dear to us. Someone we are going to miss. As the days shorten and the mornings bring a chill we begin to anticipate a new life and with her a new chapter. It amazes me that this is His will, not something spontaneous, random or by chance. This is Gods plan. He has written a great story for each of us to live humbly. Life is hard, God is not. He is good...... 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Morning brings hope

We are so blessed that each day we have the opportunity to stay the way we were or we can begin our change. And while I think that each of us should learn to love who we are, most of us including me have things about ourselves that need some tweaking. There are times when we don't know what we want, who we want to be, what we want to do. But I think sooner than later we figure out what it is we don't want, and that helps narrow down our choices somewhat. Somethings you just know and others you wonder if you will ever figure them out. When we stop hoping is when we stop living and start dying. As long as the sun rises and we keep waking up new possibilities are always our options. Hope big, love relentlessly, sleep tight.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's a new day!

Glad to say that I think today will be just a little brighter and my burden a bit lighter. Everything is exactly the same, with the exception of my attitude! How many days and opportunities do we miss because we want to carry around that chip proudly on our shoulder as if its some sort of medal we have earned. I suppose it's our prerogative, but what I'm wondering is what it causes us to miss. What slips through our fingers while we are obsessing over some hurt feelings, lack of appreciation or some simple validation? And at the end of the day how does it balance it's self out. Did we make a difference, did someone recognize the disservice they have done to you? Chances are they don't have a clue or sadly don't care. But we are the only ones who gave up something, our time we spent fretting over something that changed nothing. Our wisest course would just be to shake it off, the way a dog does after he comes out of the water. We are so blessed that we have all the tools to live happy the way our Creator intended. In this life it will never be perfect, but still worth living and loving. Choose wisely, live a blessed life, you are special, chosen for favor.

Why me? Why Now? Why?

What made today different from any other? My heart was heavy , I wanted to smile but couldn't seem to muster up a real one. The sun was warm and the squirrels were making good use of the trees connecting branches. The neighbors dog came down to give me some kisses in exchange for a thorough belly rub. My gratitude list runneth over so why do I feel this way? I have a hunch it's growing pains, because we all know that after we come through something like a storm it's easier to understand. Suddenly all the signs make sense. What seemed random and out of sequence in retrospect often looks very plain and you wonder why you didn't see it. It's possible we just don't want to, remember that old saying "ignorance is bliss". Well, we all know that's a crock. But we still fall victim to it, don't we? Trying to maintain a positive attitude is key,  plus as I was reminded buy my first born a few weeks ago that nothing lasts forever. It will end and we will move on and probably won't even remember it in time. How did she get so smart so young? I'm hoping all the prayers I said today will help me get to a brighter tomorrow, and if it doesn't turn out they way I would like it to then let me handle it with grace, and be patient while I wait till my answers come. Until then I want to be a good student and learn this lesson well, I have a Great Teacher! He has all the qualities I hope to possess.